People want to feel positive about their work.  


Employees yearn to feel more connected at work and know they are making a meaningful impact – no matter what their role.

Yet the truth is, Americans are more disengaged at work than ever before. Studies repeatedly show that only about 35 percent of employees are “engaged” at work. The rest are neutral, indifferent or completely turned off. Burnout, turnover and negative attitudes are rampant in the workplace.

Employers – at least effective employers – want an engaged, productive and healthy workforce. There is a multitude of reasons for this, including the bottom line.  They want to create a culture where everyone in the organization is pulling together towards shared goals. To do that, they need positive, yes, dare we even say it,  happy  employees, teams and leaders. 

But how to get there? 

We can help. If your organization wants a customized, practical, sustainable and inspiring approach to cultural transformation, we want to work with you.

Transformative Consulting


Like you, we’re focused on real results. We build on your organization’s strengths and distinct culture. The work we do together with our clients is honest, powerful and transformative.


Employees that feel happy and fulfilled directly correlates to happy and grateful customers.

Employee Satisfaction

“If every physician received this training and coaching, healthcare nationally would be completely different today.”

- Kathryn Everton, MD, Carol Milgard Breast Center


“I knew we needed culture change. Our leadership team felt defeated by our results and patient scores. I met with Drew and Sherry and we drafted a four-session plan around culture change, self-care, gratitude and rounding. Well, I have NEVER seen this group more engaged with any speaker/coach we’ve brought in. What an amazing series. Drew and Sherry’s approach is real. They do such a great job engaging those they work with.”

– Health Care Director


We partner with you to create a custom approach to address your organization’s needs.

There really is no magic formula, no one-size-fits-all approach. We’re here to listen and connect with you and your team on a deep and meaningful level to achieve break-through performance in communication, trust building, and positivity. That can include leadership and team coaching, workshops and events that inspire and challenge your employees to embody deeper engagement. We equip your employees with real-life tools that help them build resilience, foster creativity and lead happier, more productive lives.  

This is not woo-woo stuff. Just ask our clients. We draw upon breakthrough scientific research in positive psychology and neuroscience, along with our coaching expertise and leadership experience in the workplace. We’ve live it ourselves…every day. We know what it’s like to work in organizations that have great cultures and those that don’t; and the power to choose is up to you.

Healthy Organization

However you define engagement, we all know it when you see it. Here are some signs of a healthy organization:

  • Employees treat each other and customers with kindness and respect.

  • People are authentically positive about committing to the mission of the company, and giving their best every day.

  • Everyone trusts each other implicitly and form connections that accelerate success. 

  • People believe they have opportunities for self-development and growth.

  • People stick around. It’s easier to retain and recruit top talent.

  • The company’s performance improves, with measurable results.


Does this describe your organization? If so, congratulations! If not, let us help. We’re happy to meet with you to explore how we might work together.


Exhilarate Your Work