Beyond Results
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More than a decade of groundbreaking research in the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience has proven that happiness and optimism drive performance. Integrating practices to create a more positive self, leads to greater levels of motivation, resiliency, creativity, and productivity.  Our workshops, go to the heart of the matter.  How we perceive, frame, and respond to everything in our lives is the foundation for performing at our best and living into a richer and more meaningful life.





Participate in one of the most inspiring, meaningful, and practical courses you will ever find. Discover true well-being and reduce stress with proven practices in our 8-part training series.  Learn through evidence-based science, rich story-telling, and hands-on experience with proven tools.

Live Zoom or In-Person

  • Eight, 75-90-minute weekly sessions

  • A rich, interactive program to learn a new practice each week

  • Build authentic and supportive relationships with your classmates

Course Materials

  • Digital MindWorks@Accel180 workbook with weekly practices and exercises

  • Recommendations to apps for meditation timing and guided sessions

  • Weekly follow-up messages to encourage practice experimentation


Practices you will learn:

Meditation – learn to breathe consciously, sharpen focus, and bring greater presence to your life.

Awareness Without Judgement – bring awareness to habitual, negative, and critical thinking and learn to release it.

Reframe Challenges – apply tools to reframe perspectives or thoughts that are detrimental and replace them with authentic perspectives that are beneficial. 

Gratitude – notice and reflect upon what you are grateful for and experience more positive emotions, better sleep, build healthier relationships, and even have a stronger immune system.

Mindful Listening – listening with your full attention helps strengthen trust with friends, family, and colleagues, while building skills of focus, empathy, and presence within you. 

Compassion – compassion is the antidote to judgment, and self-compassion is a key ingredient to greater well-being, contentment, and resilience in your life. 

Appreciative Joy – learn to co-celebrate the success and positive joys in the lives of others. Release unhelpful tendencies to compare, be jealous or compete with anyone.

Service and Balance – giving to others offers a benefit to the receiver and a reciprocal benefit to you.  Equanimity is the culmination of all practices to bring lasting presence and balance into your life.



Levels dropped from moderate-high stress to low-levels of stress after 8 weeks.

Reduce Workplace Stress

Other Benefits

  • Better decision making

  • Improved listening skills

  • Greater presence and focus

  • More responsive and less reactive

  • Higher levels of positive emotions

  • More optimism and happiness

When we truly rest in awareness, our experience is spacious and without defenses. With it arises compassion; we feel our heart’s natural connection with life.
— Jack Kornfield | Meditation Teacher

MindWorks for Leaders offers a key to unlocking your higher potential.  Learn to apply mindfulness practices that help you transform your workplace.   

The 8-part series is artfully and scientifically designed to help you build a healthy culture where your team feels more connected and truly thrives.  Dive into leadership challenges and learn to view them as rich opportunities for development.  Apply practices to become more present and self-aware, use tools to approach decision-making and problem-solving with less stress and anxiety.  

Gallup research definitively found that the two most important qualities in leadership are warmth and openness. Continued organizational and neuroscientific research supports this finding with how improved retention, productivity, and success all spring from a healthy, trusting, and positive culture. You as a leader set the foundation for that culture.

Join us for a course that is utterly different, and it will leave you with a clear way to become the most effective leader you can be.  Are you in?

Reduce Workplace Stress

“I truly believe I have found myself more at peace throughout my day.  I can take situations as they come and not let the situation or emotion define me.”

Course participant


Upcoming Courses

For Everyone

MindWorks@Accel 180 (open to everyone) COMING THIS FALL

For Leaders

MindWorks@Accel 180 for Leaders COMING THIS FALL

MindWorks@Accel 180 for Leaders COMING THIS FALL


Positive Workplace Architecture

  • Learn to develop sustainable life practices that will improve your team’s wellbeing, focus, attention, creativity, and happiness.  Apply practices to reframe perspectives that are not serving us, deepen our presence, bring awareness to how we mindfully listen to others, and incorporate gratitude into our lives.

  • Create a positive workplace architecture in health care 

  • Customized workshops designed to move physician, caregiver and patient interaction processes and communication to the next level.

  • Interactive sessions for clinicians to practice new patient-connection skills

Positive Workplace

“Thank you, Drew! We love working with you and Sherry. You are an amplifier for our efforts, and it is making a difference!”

- Hospital COO


Develop Greater Self-Awareness, EQ, & Personal Resilience

  • Levels of Emotional and Physical Resilience:  defined as a set of conditions that allow individual adaptation to different forms of adversity, and often characterized as inner strength, fortitude, or hardiness – empower employees to cope better with life events. A resilient person is able to cope with challenging situations, at work and outside work, to spring back and often succeed against what might seem to be insurmountable odds. Apply practices to help your team reduce stress, anxiety, fatigue, and burnout.

  • Practice Reframing: “Reframing is a technique used to help create a different way of looking at a situation, person, or relationship by changing its meaning. The essential idea behind reframing is that a person's point-of-view depends on the frame it is viewed in. When the frame is shifted, the meaning changes and thinking and behavior often change along with it.” Very Well Mind.

  • Posttraumatic Growth: "It is positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with a major life crisis or a traumatic event. The idea that human beings can be changed by their encounters with life challenges, sometimes in radically positive ways, is not new.” This is important to remember, that we can collectively handle this challenge and not only bounce back from our trials, but actually bounce forward.

  • Practicing Gratitude: Helps create and strengthen neural pathways and brain structure to see authentic positivity in the world and harness its power. The key here is practice! We give specific tactics that help you achieve greater clarity, focus and mental function. The benefits are impressive. 


“ What we found is that only 25% of job successes are predicted by IQ; 75% of job successes are predicted by your optimism levels, your social support, and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of as a threat. ”



Build Meaningful Connections through Transformative Communication

This is a 3-part series of workshops to bring greater awareness to how we connect and build relationships with others, how we give and receive feedback and how we strengthen relationships.  Bring awareness to our own habits of how we react to negative and positive behavior. Apply tools to change knee jerk reactions to thoughtful responses and learn how to effortlessly hold and facilitate meaningful conversations.  Build the framework for a trustworthy and collaborative environment. Participants work with real-life situations and practice their skills in-between sessions.

I just wanted to reach out and send a THANK YOU to your team for the fabulous workshop! It was both thought provoking and powerful. You had us connecting with one another in a way that we haven’t been asked to do here before; getting to a place of honest openness is not easy and yet you had all of us taking risks in that way
— Mary Tuttle | Manager, District Wide Programs, Metro Parks Tacoma
Team Building

Deepen Leadership Strengths while Harnessing Others’ Strengths, to Achieve Results

  • Use appreciative inquiry to identify leadership strengths.  Leverage these strengths and apply strategies to help prioritize projects, let go of distractions and achieve greater results.

  • Embody leadership that sets a positive tone to inspire trusting patient interactions, team camaraderie, and employee engagement to allow people to perform at their best.

  • Reconnect to your passion and find new meaning in your work; implement daily practices that bring out your creativity and optimal performance best each day.

  • Implement methods to reduce anxiety and build trust in you and others to create caring and productive connections.

  • Use techniques to deepen your own resilience and manage stress in a completely new way to transform your life.

I have NEVER seen my leadership team more engaged with any speaker/coach we have brought in for meetings. They laughed, they cried, they shared, they were real. They talked about successes and failures. Today was our last session and as I watched them, I think they feel alive and ready to conquer! What an amazing series.
— Health Care Director

Patient Experience Results